Tuesday, 29 May 2012

An airport surprise, the ring and TEFL

Ben came back safely on Sunday! I did the most romantic thing that I’ve ever done – without him knowing, I went to the airport to pick him up (although the vehicle was the National Railways…)! As I said before I’m the least romantic human being I know. When I went to Guangzhou to see Ben, he dressed up in suit (Can you imagine? Ben in a SUIT! And a TIE!) in 30°C weather and came to the airport with a bunch of blue roses. Any female living thing should be touched to tears but all I was thinking was, aren’t you hot? Why flowers? I’m hungry…

a sample picture of Ben in suit

    I felt SO bad afterwards. But on Sunday I played the art of romanticism well! I didn’t tell him of course, and I had so little information. All I knew was he was flying from somewhere in France in the afternoon, by easyJet to Gatwick. I got the list of all the arrival flights into Gatwick that afternoon and all the destinations easyJet flies to in France and match-made them. Then I targeted six flights and waited at the corresponding terminals from 15:30. Ben called me at 17:13 and had no idea I was sitting in the Costa opposite to his exit holding a packet of Jelly babies. Great success! ^^


    We went ring-hunting yesterday at H.Samuel’s. It seems like a popular ring because 2 out of 3 shops we went to (in Guildford and London) were out of stock. But anyway I managed to come back with a ringed finger in the end~

the last time my left fist without a ring in public


    After coming home we started properly looking at TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) courses. We both enrolled and will start studying again today. The real world again! Fighting!

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